Life Isn’t Perfect But There Is Much to Celebrate
I had a very difficult childhood growing up coming from an abusive home. To cope with my pain and suffering, I harmed myself. I could see no hope for the future. Due to a life-threatening situation, I was placed into care at Beyond Social Services as a youth-at-risk. While there, I rebelled against the authorities, and got into many fights.Things started to change when I got to know Beautiful People, a group of female volunteers who came to Beyond to socialise with the girls. I first met my mentor Marie over a barbeque. An opportunity for a one-on-one conversation made me realise we could click and I took a risk by sharing with her my story.
Our Big-Little Sister journey has led me to where my life is today – one free of abuse and pain, and filled with hope for not just myself but also my family. I had dreamt of being a nurse or paramedic, my encounter with them at the lowest hour in my life was a defining moment. Marie was the one who helped me to connect with my dream of becoming a nurse, encouraging me to take baby steps to enrol in ITE for a nursing course. I had zero confidence that I could do it as I was never good in school and was very undisciplined. But Marie challenged me to be positive, to believe in myself, to take a chance and not give up before even starting. Marie helped me to think through issues calmly and choose how to respond. I learnt how to make choices and to take responsibility for the consequences of my choices.
I went to ITE to study nursing and eventually graduated. I managed to land a job at a hospital, met my husband, got married, had two babies and am now waiting to get the keys to my own BTO flat. My family life also improved and I have taken on a leadership role in my family guiding my little sister in making decisions.
Although life is not perfect there is much to celebrate and that is what I do with Marie and the other mentors at Beautiful People. We celebrated my 21st birthday, my bridal shower and wedding, my babies, Christmas – there is so much in life to be thankful for, especially the support of Marie who stood by me and helped me to believe that every dream is a possibility!
Afternote: This mentee is now a nurse working tirelessly in the A&E department of a major hospital.
She has been instrumental in updating other mentee families on how to take care of themselves and their children during the present COVID-19 situation.